Taj Mahal Film Song
Jangan meniru kebiasaan buruk mereka yang telah gagal dalam proses seleksi CPNS di tahun-tahun sebelumnya, yaitu kebiasaan menunda-nunda untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian seleksi CPNS. Itu adalah kesalahan besar, sebab jarak antara pengumuman tes dengan waktu pelaksanaan tes biasanya sangat singkat sehingga waktu untuk berlatih mengerjakan Contoh Soal-Contoh Soal menjadi sangat singkat. Mereka baru berlatih mengerjakan Contoh Soal-Contoh Soal ujian CPNS setelah melihat nama mereka muncul di pengumuman peserta tes.
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Columbia/Legacy's 2000 collection The Best of Taj Mahal is a first-rate overview of 's classic late-'60s/early-'70s work for Columbia. Spanning 17 tracks, including a previously unreleased cut 'Sweet Mama Janisse' from 1970, this hits many of the key points from the records he released between 1967 and 1974, including 'Statesboro Blues,' 'Leaving Trunk,' 'She Caught the Katy and Left Me a Mule to Ride,' and 'Fishin Blues.' Although his albums were constructed and worked as actual albums, this does an excellent job of summarizing these thematic affairs and functions as a nice introduction to 's music.