Rules (): Follow them or a warning will follow, which, if disregarded, will result in a ban. • No spamming/flaming/trolling.
• No offensive posts and/or degrading posts. • Follow • Post all political issues in the threads for Hindu affairs(if available) Reading list: Hinduism has an enormous body of texts. Here are some basic texts to help you get started... Basic intro to Hinduism: Useful for the uninitiated reader What is Hinduism: What is Hinduism: Related Subreddits: Dharmic religions Other religions Hinduism sub-sects: Related: . There are no English translations that I recommend (no Griffith, no Max Muller). Vedas must be learnt under the guidance of a guru alone, after taking a dīkṣā.
No other way. Even for non-English translations, they must be only used as an inspiration to seek a guru for in-depth study later on. Phonetics and correct pronunciation are inseparable from the Vedas, and therefore verbal/oral communication is the only way to learn them. You can read translations by many Western scholars and make what you want of them, but generally you'll end up with different interpretation than what the schools of Hinduism teach/believe in. Unfortunately, very few people actually read/understand the vedas - including most Hindus.