Win 10 Win 7 Desktop
RECOMMENDED: Desktop Gadget feature was first introduced with Windows Vista. As we all know, desktop gadgets offer various information at a glance and are low on system resources as well. Windows 7 comes with a bunch of quality gadgets and supports installing third-party gadgets from the web.
Desktop gadget feature, one of the most used features of Windows 7, is not available in Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and the latest Windows 10. The feature was discontinued citing security reasons. Microsoft, in fact, has been providing a tool to completely uninstall desktop gadgets from Windows 7 operating system. Live tiles in newer versions of Windows act as desktop gadgets to some extent.
For instance, the weather app’s live tile offer the same or more information than the weather gadget. Although live tiles in Windows 10 work better than these desktop gadgets, we need to switch to the Start menu or Start screen in order to get access to these live tiles. Install desktop gadgets in Windows 10 If you have upgraded from Windows 7 and missing those desktop gadgets, you’ll be happy to know that desktop gadgets can be installed in Windows 10 with the help of a third-party installer. There are actually a bunch of applications out there to get desktop gadgets in Windows 10 but some of the applications are not good enough to be installed. Following are the two applications you can use to install native gadgets of Windows 7 in Windows 10. Important: A lot of users have reported that these desktop gadgets don’t work after installing major Windows 10 updates.
If you’re also having issues with gadgets after installing a Windows 10 update, please uninstall and reinstall desktop gadget program again. Download windows 7 free full version. Desktop Gadgets Installer We have already talked about Desktop Gadgets Installer in one of our previous articles, and it’s our favourite software to get desktop gadgets in Windows 10. Brings all the native desktop gadgets available in Windows 7 to Windows 10. All you need to do is install Desktop Gadgets Installer. As you can see, it installs Feed Headlines, Picture Puzzle, Slide Show, Weather, CPU Meter, Currency, Calendar, and Clock gadgets. In addition to installing those gadgets, it also adds Gadgets option to the desktop context menu (right-click), so you can quickly access all installed gadgets just like in Windows 7. Also, when you right-click on desktop, and click View option, you’ll see an option to show or hide desktop gadgets.
Win 10 Win 7 Desktop Windows 10
Windows 10 To Windows 7 Remote Desktop
To install more gadgets, you can visit the download page of Desktop Gadgets Installer by clicking Get more gadgets online link provided in Gadgets window that appears when you right-click on desktop and click Gadgets. The website features over 500 cool desktop gadgets. Vray for sketchup download free. The setup of Desktop Gadgets Installer comes with no strings attached, meaning it doesn’t offer you install any toolbar and other junkware. Desktop Gadgets Installer is fully compatible with Windows 10, both x86 and x64. 8GadgetPack Just like the above software, is another free application to install gadgets in Windows 10.