Border Agency Jobs
Border Patrol Agent: Career Guide Border patrol agents (BPAs) are law enforcement officers who enforce federal laws when people or goods travel into the United States. They work along the borders of Mexico and Canada as well as in the coastal waters of Puerto Rico and Florida to facilitate the flow of legitimate trade. Border patrol agents are also responsible for preventing illegal immigration, and protecting Americans from human and drug trafficking, terrorism, and agricultural pests. A border patrol agent works for US Customs and Border Protection. Standout agents may enjoy such career advancement opportunities as earning an assignment with the elite Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC), Horse Patrol, K-9 Unit, or Riverine Operations, in addition to other exciting career possibilities including supervisory positions. Career Description, Duties, and Common Tasks Agents carry out their duties by using a variety of technological tools, such as infrared scopes, electronic sensors, low-light television systems, and aircraft. They are also involved in the legal field, as they offer input to the courts regarding immigration issues such as citizenship applications.
Border patrol agents often deal with dangerous situations, such as coming into contact with armed criminals. While BPAs are similar to, and some job duties may overlap, their primary job duties are distinct. Doom 4 movie.
On The Border Job Application
View Jobs at UK Border Agency. Employee Review. Employee Review. See all Reviews (12) See All (12). The besrt reasons to work here is that you get an eye opener of the border agency from the inside point of view, its completly different from looking at it from the outside, there is a lot of things you leasrn and deal with in a. Critical agency hiring needs for entry level CBPOs currently include the following locations: Southern Border - Douglas, Lukeville, Nogales and San Luis, AZ; Andrade, Calexico, Otay Mesa and San Ysidro, CA; and Del Rio and Laredo, TX. You can apply directly for immigration officer jobs with the Civil Service. The qualifications you'll need will depend on the exact job you're applying for, but you’ll usually find it useful to have.