The remaining soldiers all gang up and attack Vergo, but Vergo annihilates all of them so he is the only one left standing. Tashigi, in her mind, prays for Smokers help. Vergo then hears someone and a person is seen bounding around the corridor.
Before Vergo can react, Sanji delivers a flaming kick to Vergos head. The soldiers that are still conscious are surprised to see one of the pirates. Sanji said he heard the sound of a woman in trouble and came to help. Back with Brownbeard and his passengers, Usopp asks why Sanji left so suddenly. Zoro tells him he felt an unfamiliar presence. Brook and Kinemon look up and see the dragon from earlier.
Nami notes that it looks different, something about its eyes are strange. Brownbeard exclaims that the sedatives have worn off and it is no longer docile. The scene changes to Luffy and Smoker who are heading to Caesars lab, taking the shortest route. Inside the lab, Caesar is watching the events unfold, irritated that Vergo took out his test subjects. He orders Monet to block the passage B gate and let the gas in. She tells him that Vergo is still there. Clown says he does not care.
Smoker and Luffy arrive at the door to the lab, Luffy out of breath from running. They both tell each other not to interfere. Luffy is fighting Caesar, and Smoker is fighting Vergo.